
Verse of The Day (04.02.2009)

 If a suggestion from Satan assail thy (mind), seek refuge with Allah; for He heareth and knoweth (all things). The Heights (Al-Aráf) - 200 Verses are chosen From  "Irfan Takvimleri"

Verse of The Day (03.02.2009)

 He that doeth good shall have ten times as much to his credit: He that doeth evil shall only be recompensed according to his evil: no wrong shall be done unto them.    The Cattle (Al-Anàam) - 160 Verses are chosen from  " Irfan Takvimleri "

Vocabulary for 07.02.2009


03.02.2009 Wordology

MISSOURI   Sounds familiar? Yes, Missouri  is a state in what we know as the Unites States of  America . But what’s the big deal about Missouri  that we put it on the blog?   I was talking to an American friend of mine and was, as usual, talking big. That I will be in the States one day and do this and that... He said “I’m from  Missouri ; you’ll have to show me.” I thought the guy was really from Missouri  till the day I came across this interesting state in my gigantic Webster’s Dictionary. Please continue reading and don’t be tricked when an American says “I’m from  Missouri .”   4.     from Missouri,  Informal.  unwilling to accept something without proof; skeptical:  I'm from Missouri--you'll have to show me that you're right.   Missourians are odd folks.   Sir Con

24.01.2009 Vocabulary (2)

English Turkish English Explanation Adornment Süs, Ziynet n. decoration, ornament, something which beautifies; jewelry Canonically Kabul Edilmiş, Kanuni, Hukuki, ■ adjective according to or ordered by canon law. accepted as being accurate and authoritative. relating to a cathedral chapter or a member of it. ■ noun (canonicals) the prescribed official dress of the clergy. Debauchery sefahat, ayyaşlık, uçarılık. ■ noun excessive indulgence in sex, alcohol, or drugs. Despair Umutsuz, Umutsuzluk ■ noun the complete loss or absence of hope. ■ verb lose or be without hope. Deterrent caydırıcı. i. caydırıcı şey, yıldırıcı ■ noun a thing that deters or is intended to deter someone from doing something. ■ adjective able or intended to deter. Dissension Anlaşmazlık, Kargaşa disagreement, conflict, strife Flee Kaçmak ■ verb (flees, fleeing; past and past participle fled) run away from danger. Ghastly dehşetli, korkunç, iğrenç ■

Hadith of the day (26.01.2009)

Deal gently with the people, and be not harsh; cheer them and condemn them not.